'We're not used to seeing this style of coffee from Nicaragua, but if this is a sign of things to come, I'm in!'
Don't get me wrong, I love Nicaraguan coffee, but this lot is really quite surprising. It's a funky number. Really wild, complex coffee. As soon as we tasted this coffee, we just had to buy it.
When we drink this coffee, we get all these Christmas vibes. It tastes a bit like Christmas pudding in fact, all rich and intense. A red wine acidity just adds to the indulgent, luxurious feel. In espresso, the booziness goes up a notch and we're into 'absolute banger' territory. This is wild, complex, exceptional coffee.
Origin: Los Arados community, Los Volcancitos sector of Nueva Segovia.
Grower: Martha Lucia Albir Sotomayor
Varietals: Caturra and Red Catuai
Processing: Honey
Roast degree: 129 (read more).
Suitable for: All Brew Methods (read more)
Q Score: 88 (what's this?)
You can get more sensory information about the coffee by looking at the diagrams in the images above. If you need to know how these work, just click here.
Taste and flavour perception are complex and difficult to articulate. We love sharing our tasting notes with you, but please don't rely too heavily on our reports. Your experience is what matters most and it may be different. We've written about that whole issue here.
IMPORTANT: Please read our short Coffee Bean Care Guide here.
Want to know more about this coffee? Read on......
Cafetos de Segovia, established in 2015 by sisters Ana and Martha Albir Sotomayor, represents the third generation of a family deeply rooted in coffee farming in Nicaragua. Today, the cooperative boasts over 40 seasonal workers, including 19 women from the Mozonte region, and employs eight permanent staff members.
The cooperative provides its members with technical assistance, continuous quality improvement training, and financial support for farm enhancements and harvest estimates.
Vista al Cielo farm is owned by Martha Lucia Albir Sotomayor, who acquired it in 2022 through purchase. Located in the Los Arados community, Los Volcancitos sector of Nueva Segovia, the farm spans 3.53 hectares with an average yield of 10 quintals of coffee per hectare. The farm sits at an altitude of 1250-1400 meters and cultivates Caturra and Catuai Rojo varieties on sandy loam soils.
The Vista al Cielo lot is cultivated at altitudes between 1350 and 1450 meters on a 3.53-hectare plot. The farm uses eco-friendly practices, providing shade with forest species, fruit trees, and bananas. Low-intensity pesticides (green labels), organic fertilizers, and synthetic fertilizers are utilized. Regular pruning and shade management improve plant health, and only ripe cherries are manually harvested.
After selection, the cherries are floated and depulped, then packed in plastic bags and macen sacks, and fermented for 36 hours before being sent to the processing facility. The coffee is transported in plastic bags and macen sacks, ensuring cleanliness throughout the journey.
At the dry mill, the coffee is dried on African beds under covered structures (micro-tunnels), never touching the ground. PVC rakes are used for movement, maintaining cleanliness. Once dried, the coffee is stored separately in designated areas within the warehouse, always in new plastic bags and macen sacks. The coffee is then rested for about a month, hulled, classified, and packed in jute sacks and Ecotact bags for export, adhering to ICO standards.
Vista al Cielo farm supports various social and environmental initiatives, promoting sustainability in all aspects. They support educational social projects within the community, providing school supplies to primary school children. Farmers are paid based on the quality of their coffee, with a premium for well-processed parchment coffee.