'I'm not even sure where to start with this one!'
This is the first of our 'rare' offerings - a label that we are reserving for those coffees that stop us in our tracks.
When we drink this coffee, we're amazed by the complexity - but it's about so much more than that. It's perfectly balanced coffee. It has everything, and in just the right amounts. Honeycomb sweetness, raspberry zinginess, subtle floral notes and even a tiny hint of bergamot. There's a fabulous clean white grape acidity too.
Bearing in mind that this is washed coffee, no funky processing methods here - just incredibly well grown, well processed, high quality coffee beans. Personally, I'm repeatedly blown away by how this coffee performs as espresso and I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a flat white this much.
Of course, we're used to good coffee here, but coffee this good is rare.
Origin: Pitalito, Huila, Colombia
Varietals: Pink Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Roast degree: 130 (read more).
Suitable for: All Brew Methods (read more)
Q Score: 88.5 (what's this?)
You can get more sensory information about the coffee by looking at the diagrams in the images above. If you need to know how these work, just click here.
Taste and flavour perception are complex and difficult to articulate. We love sharing our tasting notes with you, but please don't rely too heavily on our reports. Your experience is what matters most and it may be different. We've written about that whole issue here.
IMPORTANT: Please read our short Coffee Bean Care Guide here.
Want to know more about this coffee? Read on......
Brayan is a third-generation coffee grower from Huila. He is a passionate young coffee farmer who decided to preserve his family tradition while focusing on improving coffee practices and cultivating new varieties to enhance their specialty coffee crops.
His farm SATUS is located at 1500-1800 m.a.s.l in Pitalito, Huila. He grows exotic varieties such as Pacamara and Gesha.
Since childhood, he has witnessed his family's dedication to coffee production and the care and excitement they invest in every harvest. He is now the leader of the association 'Asosatus,' which produces excellent coffees from Huila.
Specialty Coffee