Los Naranjos - El Salvador


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'If ever there was a coffee perfect for a crisp winter's morning, this is it.'

It's been a few years since we had coffee from El Salvador, so we're happy to bring you this one - especially when it's a varietal we haven't tried before, Orange Bourbon. 

In fact, even the name of the farm ('the orange trees') is very apt because in the cup, it's all about orange too! Think chocolate orange and you won't be far off. In filter coffee, we're talking syrupy, beautifully balanced, sweet yumminess. In espresso, we get this lovely hint of spice, which reminds us of gingerbread and makes for amazing espresso based milk drinks. 

I love coffee like this. It's straightforward but delicious, clean and has enough going on that it'll keep you coming back for more. Enjoy.

Origin:  Cantón Los Naranjos, Sonsonate, El Salvador

Varietals: Orange Bourbon. 

Processing: Washed Anaerobic

Roast degree: 127 (

Suitable for: All Brew Methods (read more)

Q Score: 86.25 (what's this?)

You can get more sensory information about the coffee by looking at the diagrams in the images above. If you need to know how these work, just click here

Taste and flavour perception are complex and difficult to articulate. We love sharing our tasting notes with you, but please don't rely too heavily on our reports. Your experience is what matters most and it may be different. We've written about that whole issue here.

IMPORTANT: Please read our short Coffee Bean Care Guide here

Want to know more about this coffee? Read on......

Daannisa is the name of a sub kebele (Hamlet) where the this group of 37 farmers are located. Average farm size of each member is 3.35 hectares. The coffee grows under a canopy of natural forest, much like most of Guji Coffees in the area.

The fertile red land is made of Clay and Loam.

All of these farmers are trained in agronomy and post-harvest practices by the "King of Guji", Ture Waji. What's unique about how these drying stations are managed are the drying beds themselves: each day lot is tracked with a tag for each bed, listing the specific delivery and the start date of drying and relative Moisture Content Readings for each day.

Remember! - Shipping is FREE on orders which contain more than 1kg of coffee. You can mix and match varieties and bag sizes however you please. Single 250g bags go by Royal Mail 24 Large Letter Post and cost £2.95. To see all shipping options, click here.

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