April 11, 2018
Since the day we opened our coffee shop, we have offered two different coffees for all our espresso based drinks. One we call our ‘Comfort’ offering and the other one is named ‘Adventure’. Now first things first, we didn’t invent this idea - we just borrowed it from someone else. If we could remember where we saw it, we’d give full credit here (please feel free to let us know if you know!).
So, choosing which coffee to drink can be tricky. We swap up the beans in the coffee shop every week or two and its easy for our guests to lose track. Some people like choices, some people don’t. Some people like to hear about the coffee, how we found it, where it comes from - some people just need to get to work. We wanted to develop some sort of shorthand which would help people make a choice based on their mood or the preferences that they have and so we adopted this idea of ‘Comfort’ and ‘Adventure’ coffee.
Now, this is not precise stuff. Comfort coffee tends to be coffee that delights rather than surprises. It may be luxurious, indulgent, comforting. It’s more likely to have big body and chocolate or caramel notes for instance. Adventure coffee on the other hand is likely to be a bit different from that. It may be unusual in some way, maybe possessing a wild acidity or tropical fruit notes or a distinctly tea-like body. It’s more likely to make you pull one of your less usual facial expressions.
Some people always choose the same option, they’re Adventure people, or they’re Comfort people. Those guests that are new to speciality coffee may well start off as Comfort people and then move onto our Adventure offering after a while. A lot of people are just in either a Comfort or an Adventure mood. You get the idea, right? Personally I like both - but at any given time I’ll tend to gravitate to one or the other depending on the mood I’m in.
Well, we’ve now expanded this idea a little and we now place all our coffee under one or the other banner whether you are in the coffee shop, or trying to select beans for home from our webshop. So, you can now filter beans under Comfort or Adventure and we’ve added some little icons to the listings to make it all a bit easier. As always, we’re always super happy to hear your thoughts…..thanks for reading.