December 06, 2021
Here's the thing. Every so often we find some truly incredible coffee. The kind of coffee that stops you in your tracks and has you raving to all your coffee loving friends. Often, this coffee comes in teeny tiny lots. Maybe it's experimental in some way, or just from a very small scale producer.
The sad thing is that this coffee usually disappears a very short time after we release it. We then have disappointed customers who missed out. All the exciting awesomeness turns to sadness and everyone is left feeling just a bit bummed out.
In fact, the chances are that some of these coffee will have come and gone without you even knowing about them. Maybe it's better not knowing huh?
No, I don't think so either. Luckily, I think we've found a solution.
From now on, we're going to offer these coffees to our newsletter subscribers first. So, if you're signed up to our email list, you'll get sent a special link on the day that the coffee becomes available for pre-release purchase. You then get a 7-14 day head start on everyone else.
Non-subscribers won't be able to see or buy the coffee on our website until we put the coffee on general release a whole week after you get your email - it's entirely possible that the coffee won't make it to a general release at all.
In a nutshell:
1. Newsletter subscribers get exclusive access to these super special coffees a whole week before everyone else does. We're hoping this means that if you want some, you'll get some.
2. Subscribers will also pay at least 20% less for the coffee than they would if and when it goes on general release. That's just our way of saying thank you for being such a great customer.
3. This 'pre-release' period will last 7-14 days from when we send out the email. During this period ONLY subscribers will be able to buy the coffee.
4. The coffee will be sold on a first come, first served basis - we can't guarantee that there will always be enough for everyone, even by limiting sales to newsletter subscribers. Still, if you order within a couple of days of getting the email, you should be fine.
5. We may do the same for a small number of our other coffees too - especially those that people are really looking forward to. This is just because we always have a completely crazy first week when those coffees launch and this approach will help us manage the initial demand better.
Judging by last year, we're expecting to see between 4 and 6 lots each year which we expect won't be available for more than a few weeks in total - and one or two big releases that always lead to us getting swamped in the first week after release.
What do you need to do?
If you're already on our list, you don't need to do anything. You'll get the link as soon as the coffee is ready to go. Otherwise, all you need to do is sign up for our newsletter. As well as getting early access to these special releases, you'll also be the first to know about everything else we're up to.