March 29, 2019
Well, here is your chance to prove it! - we’re super excited to announce that you can now buy our coffee beans in their raw, unroasted state. Remember, these beans are the cream of the crop, we took a lot of time sourcing them and we’re thrilled to give you the opportunity to roast them yourself at home.
Now, roasting coffee isn’t easy. There’s not a lot of specific detail we can share with you that’s going to be massive helpful as there are so many approaches to take, influenced hugely by the equipment that you are using and the results that you are chasing. Maybe you want to go much darker than we do, or you want to experiment with some light, Scandinavian style profiles - the choice is yours.
Here are a couple of tips that will help you get started with good habits:
Remember that there are many paths to the right result. Figuring this stuff out on your own setup is essentially the joy of roasting coffee.
We roast our beans how we think they taste best and now you can do the same! - best of luck on your home roasting adventures.